Sunday, August 31, 2008

How to Sum Up August

August 6th - GVTH w/ epic rainfall in Greeley
August 7th - GVTH w/ epic rainfall in Aurora
Irony in Denver on the 6th
in Greeley on the 7th
Missed these opportunities
August 10th, 14th chances to be out with the weather
August 20th, 22nd beautiful season changing sunsets
August 24th, 25th NE CO chases, playing on boundaries
Colorado weekend of the 22nd-24th had a fair share of landspouts and a waterspout on 11 Mile Reservoir....a friend of mine, Kevin Kronberger shared some photos of this waterspout and told me how exciting it was just to witness such amazing fury....

Monday, August 25, 2008

Bennett initiation

watching towering CU's develop with a SE component wind in Bennett! Fun stuff....

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Denver & the front range got a new site of what rain actually looks like....record setting hot what could be the storm to introduce a change in the season...temps went from 84 to 68 in less than an hour at DEN obs with that cold rain falling....earlier bfor all the rain came coming down....a gustanado went spinning across to my north from my hospital room....i could not get my camera phone out in time bfor it went behind a building than dieing on the other side of the building...I got video of the gustanado dieing....whoopee doo....i wanted to rocket launch that building...what can u do? by the way if anybody knows how to download video from a cell phone onto a computer...I'm all ears....

on another note I will download some exciting cell phone pics from the last few days...once i can get access to my account online....peace out!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Nowcasting for Shep locally

Front Range getting its show of storms due to cold front pushing on in....cell to the north is what I'm nowcasting for Shep

Sunday, August 3, 2008

now that's a forecast.....this is exciting

forecast still looking promising for 7/8 thurs/fri......

Saturday, August 2, 2008

keeping an eye on some upper jet levels shifting south later into Thursday/Friday---7/8 so this is hopeful for some explosion activity close to home...a bomb supercell effect to start off CO August season....