Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Long time no blog

my absence due to my presence in the hospital has allowed me to gain
a better sense of what I am going to do with my meteorology degree
I hope to have the deal sealed soon when I begin to type up my proposal
There was a first snow storm in Denver Oct. 21st and I hope everybody
enjoyed down in Denver cause not a speck of it showed up in Greeley...based
on phone calls I made from Denver to find out the conditions....at home...
I will soon be investing in a new vehicle cause my white Saturn has died
officially...no if and or buts....so a cadi might be in the picture...with a setup
camera inside capturing from the dash since I like the stickypod invention

1 comment:

threecollie said...

Found your blog on Blogger Play and I love your photos! Truly spectacular...