It was October 4th 2004 I witnessed from and in my dorm room in Greeley, Colorado my first spinning column of air from afar. You ask in my room...well my room was a disaster from just Skinner style mess...but also outside looking towards the mountains out popped a boundary colliding landspout. 9 to be exact were reported on this day along the front was a fun landspout day....
Why am I mentioning this, well for all meteorologists and chasers the Ridge of Death has been stopping the progression of towers to nuclearize! But not only that GVTH's at this time aren't very popular due to the stable atmosphere. Our only hope lies in the fall season boundaries last minute....looking at the GFS models there shows that tweak of a disturbance making its way into CO around October 4-5th. Just a line of storms developing due to a disturbance colliding with a boundary will be what my eyes set for....till than will let models play out like legos build......