Monday, March 14, 2011

Chase 1 March 13th 2011

Today I left Evans, and headed southwest towards the foothills to watch some growing convection with only dynamic forcing as the winds blew in from the NE as High Pressure stabilizes the upper atmosphere. Orographic lifting helped some nice convection along the front range. With upper level ridge and zonal flow, the rest was all too weak to keep the convective building cu's support they needed to break a little cap. It was enough to keep me entertained as I drove very close in my backyard and enjoyed some teasing cu field along with the main show on the foothills. Everything that went up eventually dissipated which put quite a show since it condensed as the parcels of moisture reached very low to the surface.
Temperatures only got to the mid 50's in areas of Greeley south into Denver, and the dewpoints peaking in the 30's. If any warmer, I would've been surprised to have seen any convection at all. The only guess to the reason for so much moisture available, would be from the day before March 12th. Reports of some rainfall, low level clouds helped play a role in the available potential energy in store. In fact, very little CAPE showed up on the models, but it was a factor.
I look forward to a better trough, shortwave to help some of these convective towering cu's to punch through and do what they do best. Till than....p.s. tonight although cool, you can smell spring in Evans, Colorado!

Virga Rain

Total Chase Miles: 42.7


Scott said...

Nice shots man! I'm so storm deprived right now. I gotta get out there soon!

Dann Cianca said...


p said...

Nice work, hope all is well and thank you for the blog comment.