Saturday, March 17, 2012

Tomorrow is just a Nowcast Review Day.....booo

Tomorrow's setup through my eyes are starving. It isn't the greatest setup, but it is a marginal first severe weather setup for the plains. I have been skimming through forecast models intensively, through excitement, but unfortunately it is the only thing I can do with this system. It would have been great to head down to Elk City and play the northwestern OK territory into southwestern KS. Course NW OK has horrible internet service as many know. I am eyeing a section of SW KS to have a tornado. Yet Eastern TX panhandle into the OK panhandle has just as fair a chance for their 2% risk of tornadoes in a large vast area. Charlie's Tail. These are just my thoughts for future reference and learning tomorrow. Will post resulted outcome.

Tornado 6-8PM
good luck to all chasing tomorrow.....

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