Thursday, April 29, 2010

Synoptic Scale Bump

Looking over the GFS models, I am looking forward to a long opportuned chase week. In order to really have anything to be overly confident about as far as looking out a long ways a way. While starring at the loops of 500 & 300 mb heights, I am interested in a bump (shortwave) generated ahead of what should arise as the following trough. A high pressure will dominate the region first of May until this shortwave makes its way following with the Tropical Jet. Something about this energy gets my attention. Will be following this as models close in on the first week of May.
Synoptically we will enter into a troughing period after the first week of May.This is great for Vortex and other research teams going out this year because I don't think they really want to repeat a Death Ridge Nightmare!

1 comment:

Scott Guinn said...

Ya, that storm went PDS in Arkansas and Tenesee today I think.